Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

God is there ...

It seems as a person matures - they also regress along the way. There is a fatality to the regression in that as you move from a life of falsity to truth, you have this fall back time. You have worked so hard & then you just can't do anymore hard work - you stop for a while. I hate that time - that time of catching your wind.

During that time is when Satan attacks most I believe. I draw this conclusion from the Old Testament. It seems there were these lull times in the history of the Israelites - if you notice, that is when much of the sinning is done. They have pushed hard & made huge progress in the will & work of Yahweh - then they screw the pooch by doing the very behaviors that Yahweh sent them into the land to destroy. A great irony.

The lull is the time to be on guard - not necessarily during the war. The lull is the time we feel secure, sheltered & invincible. Satan is no imbecile - he is just waiting for the moment during the victory party to attack. I wish I had more strength sometimes to last during the whole of my life. No more lulls in my heart.

I want God to be there in those times - the times that I have secured his holiness & will. But I also yearn for the protection of His mighty stopping power so that I don't roll back down the hill. I want to be different than the Israelites in that when I take the hill - I don't slide back down into the sludge of previous destruction. The sludge of the refuse of sin.

Like in Jerusalem where they have the Gi-Hennom --- or Gi-Henna --- Gi meaning valley --- Hinnom is just the name of the valley. But it was where the sacrificial dross was deposited after the religious occasion. In other words, the carcasses of the sacrifices were thrown over the edge into this valley. The valley was a garbage dump/pit that was on fire 24 hours a day. They also used it certain times in history for the muslim or other religions that conquered Jerusalem for a child sacrifice dump. Needless to say - the place was considered unclean & unholy.

I don't want to descend into the gihenna or hell of my previous victories.

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