Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I sometimes wish I didn't feel certain things so deeply.  Sounds like the beginning to totally loser girl movie --- at least not male anyway.  The last 10 days have been very heavy for a number of reasons & I feel like I have just run 20 miles.  

On TV I saw & was reminded of the prodigious effort that Tiger Woods accomplished last year at the U.S. Open.  Blown out knee & pain unparalleled he moved through the regular golf weekend --- then a playoff of 18 holes --- then one or two more to make the playoff exciting.  

The exhaustion must have been staggering ...

How does one move through that emotion?

Not the physical --- but the emotional

Tiger shut down his emotions ... & won

The very act of numbing emotions is both God created to prevent shock while at the same time intensely dysfunctional.  I ask God about this during my honest prayer times.  I see all these people who are emotionally shut down & therefore successful.  The more I open my heart the more I am in pain about day to day issues.  It seems to slow me down?

In the Bible we have many people that have encountered the pain of emotional depth & responsiveness

It is a complicated topic that I will have to think about more & continue this later ... 

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