Friday, April 4, 2008

genetics ...

MOM /BILL / NATALIE Christmas 2007

genetics ... they are a funny thing ... I am quite similar to my mom in many weird & wonderful ways - we both see a good deal or find something we like & there are suddenly 47 trillion of these items in the residence!
... our guiding philosophy is "if 1 is good, 17 are better!"

... of course this is all unspoken of because it would reveal a weakness - another quiet bond my mom & I share - we like to be right

... before you think of the obnoxious loser at work who always has to be right - that is not us 

this family idiosyncrasy is 100% grounded in the belief that we have read most articles on any subject - & this may be close to the the truth

we both have an insatiable need to know things & to help people with the aforementioned stockpile of information

thus ... it is a rarity to find a robust soul ready to take on the article armored duo of know-it-all's that are my mom & I

we are like the New York Times without the fanatical liberalism & smug superiority complex

we are the benevolent dispensers of data concerning everything from dormitories to suppositories / from comforters & bedding to pool covers & chlorine / from skanky politicians to eliot spitzer (wait that is not a comparison - that is the same item) anyway ... 

we specialize in details, particulars, facts, figures, statistics, knowledge, instruction, advice, guidance, direction, counsel, enlightenment, news, & most of all - the REAL vs. the myth on the talking point at hand

so ... here's to my mom & all the little genetic cells that are the same between us that make us buy any available leather goods with childlike abandon

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