Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Money ...

I watch all the stuff on TV about people losing their homes etc. --- for me ... I work at a church - Melissa stays at home & helps me with church (volunteer) & we don't have much money. I never went into the church to make money anyway - so, it seems that we are somewhat unaffected by the financial collision. When you don't have much to lose -- it seems you have nothing to brood & agonize over. 
My measly retirement fund has lost around $500 bucks ... that's because it has very little substance in it.  

I will probably work in church until I die because I love serving God --- but also because a person cannot retire on the $100 month my church gives me for my retirement fund.  It is not the church's fault --- I love them & I think they appreciate my work & love for them. 
That is just church ... anyone who expects to "make" money in ministry is nefarious & double-dealing in the world & matters of faith 
... as dirty as I feel --- I get jealous sometimes of these pastors who make $70-$100K & don't work as hard as Melissa & I do. We work our pew pads off ... but so do a lot of others in our church who do not get pay!

I have always said that a Pastor can only make as much as the lowest paid person deciding on the pastoral salary ... after that it is too much 

I never like to talk about my personal educational backgound because I think it is bourgeois & represents an infantile egomaniac personality ... yet I will recite the following ... I have B.A. in Religion / Master's in Divinity/ Master's in Marriage & Family Therapy (M.A. in Counseling)/ I have started Doctoral classes as well ... 

I only state this because many churches demand high educational standards & yet they consider the Pastorate to be an organic calling that is semi-volunteer ... 

If you go into the Lord's work looking for "what you deserve" 
--- let me assure you --- you will get it!

I got to pray with & lead another person to Jesus tonight ... I am baptizing her sunday --- no pay can substitute for that ... so anyway --> my retirement is in the pooper
--- but one more person is not going to hell ---
- what a palatial & lavish gift God allows me to observe & participate in ...
><> praise God!

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